• madhipura@eha-health.org
  • +919431242584

The beginnings of the Madhipura Christian Hospital, can be traced back to the year 1953, when the Brethren in Christ Church (USA) sent a young doctor by the name of Dr George Paulus and his wife to start medical work at Madhipura. A small one room dispensary was started in initially with help with nurses from the mission.

MCH, Then and now

  • In 1959, Dr L.D. Mann joined the team and his efforts of the following year resulted in a 10 bed unit to which was added a tuberculosis ward.
  • By 1969, the number of beds had grown up to 20 and the team was joined by Dr Henry Kreider from BIC church USA whose energies brought about a considerable growth in the workload of the hospital. He served tirelessly till 1977.
  • The unit was incorporated into the Emmanuel Hospital Association in 1974. In 1977, when several of hospitals in the eastern region of EHA were included in a joint upgrading program, Madhipura Christian Hospital benefited from a modified OPD and a new ward block. About the same time Madhipura was declared as a separate administrative district, (Madhepura) by the government and the hospital found itself located in a district headquarters.
  • After Dr Kreider had left many people from India offered their dedicated services both on a long term and a short term basis to sustain the services of the hospital
  • In 2008 the district of Madhipura was ravaged by the flood in the Koshi region and the hospital was closed temporarily. This setback was a God-sent opportunity to build relations with the local people and develop the community health program. It was reopened in 2009 and the OPD and inpatient services were completely renovated. under the leadership of Mr Daniel Dey and Dr Shalom Sylvester
  • At the same time, a new Community health and development department was started at Madhipura for the first time under the leadership of Mr Abraham Dennyson.
  • A new Intensive Care Unit, the first in Madhipura district was also constructed equipped with two ventilators and multipara monitors to cater to the needs of the increasing number of sick patients being admitted at MCH. This was made possible by a gracious donation from EMMS UK.
  • In 2010, a new nursery was constructed in place of the makeshift nursery and became fully functional in 2011 to be able to manage sick neonates.
  • In 2014 new advanced Doppler machine was purchased and specialised radiological services were started with the arrival of Dr Timothy Chelliah. As there is no radiologist in the nearby three districts, this began the fulfilment of a long felt need of improved diagnostic services.
  • At the same time, under the leadership of Dr Bina Minz, MCH became known as a tertiary referral centre for maternal care. Antepartum and intrapartum surveillance was improved with the purchase of a Cardiotocograph machine
  • Construction of Nurses hostel building and staff accommodation was begun in 2016 and completed in 2018.
  • Additionally, in 2018 we have expanded our surgical services and are now providing advanced surgical and laparoscopic procedures at subsidised costs.
  • With the completion of the RENU Community Training Centre, began the Shristhi Community College in 2019 to train impoverished youth from our villages and improve their ability to find jobs.
  • Dental services established by Dr. Anitha Grace in 2020.
  • Rehabilitation services were started in 2018 with Mr. Rajkumar, who was then joined by Ms Mercy, an occupational therapist from CMC Vellore and Mr. Jerry, an MPT from SBS Dehradun.
  • In 2021, the medical team was joined by Dr. Ashwin, a community physician and Dr. Susanna an Obstetrician, both form CMC Vellore.
  • In 2022, Rupantran, a community entrepreneurship project was started