• madhipura@eha-health.org
  • +919431242584

In our situation, the most premium commodity is people. We are always looking for people with an interest in getting involved with the poor and marginalised, with whom we can partner. Would you like to partner with us? There are many ways you could do this.

  • Care: The fact that you are reading this shows that you care for us and the work we are doing. We really appreciate this and are always encouraged by people who leave us a kind word or thought or care for us in practical ways.
  • Pray: With the challenges that we face, we request each of you to please pray for us every time you remember us. Pray for wisdom to handle various difficult situations as well as for our needs, especially in terms of personnel and finances. Pray also for all the staff who are here, that we may remain committed and focused.
  • Come: We are always encouraged by friends and well-wishers who come to visit us. Please do consider a visit which would be a blessing for us and possibly a new experience for you as well. We would love for you to spend a few days, weeks or months with us and experience life though our eyes for a bit. For most of us, it has been an eye-opener!!
  • Join: We are happy to consider like-minded people from all walks of life who would be keen to join our community based on a specific purpose or calling. Our varied team includes people from many professions other than health. If you are interested in exploring the option of a short-term or long-term involvement, please do get in touch with us. One of our greatest joys is to see people with commitment and passion join us.
  • Give: For more details on how to contribute, please Contact us